Sunday, August 17, 2008 it over yet?

so, the past two days have been just plain nuts. i swear if i could just clone one more of this awesome, almost perfect me, then it sure would help and i might just find some down time. it all started with me staying up thursday night till 2:30 am working, and even though i was working that late i did not get nearly as far along as i needed being jeff has been hogging the office at night so i am a bit behind (goal is to be caught up by tuesday) again! friday morning my special group of mommy friends and our children all under the age of 3 1/2 went to the circus. yes, this person who was not thinking clearly on handling both of my tots with only two arms at the circus being me...almost failed at providing an enjoyable experience for my girls, my friends and their kiddos and many people around me. first, i forgot how hard it is to enter downtown from the north end and find a parking spot easily....if you come off of the west side you can just slide right into a parking garage without really sitting in any of the downtown traffic. after spending 25 minutes looking for a spot, part of that sitting in line to enter one of the garages, i finally gave up and parked on the street (to return and find a parking ticket because my meter had expired) what felt like half a mile away. by this point, the i am going to get down there early and not be the last to show up extra time was blown and now i am jogging down commerce street with a baby on both hips mind you both weighing over 25lbs (this is because i removed my single stroller along with bjorn carrier stashed underneath it from my truck the night before to put my double monster no way would it even fit in the convention center doors stroller in so i could lug both girls around the mall the night before) to make it to the front door by start time. i must have been quite the sight because i had one mommy stop and ask if i wanted to use her stroller and another dad who obviously dropped his wife and kiddos off at the door ask if he could carry one of the girls for me. so i finally make it to the front all 9 other mommys and kiddos are standing there waiting for me and of course, i ruined any chance they had of getting settled in before the lights go out or to get drinks and snacks before the show started. so sitting in our spot i settle in to put annie to sleep, thank goodness for the extreme noise that comes with a circus or i might have been asked to leave with my fussing baby. with annie bouncing on one knee and izzy sitting on the other fifteen minutes into the show i thought this is a huge what the fuck was i thinking mistake to try and come to a place with a million other people by myself and two children under 22 months. annie soon dozed off and izzy settled down into her own seat and we made it until the last 15 minutes when i thought my best choice would be to leave before the crowd and start the five mile trek back to the truck. oh, while being in the stands izzy noticed all the fancy light toys the other kiddos had but did not pursue wanting one of her soon as we started to leave she realized the tables in the lobby had lots of this as you can imagine izzy left with a $20 light up spinning globe toy. yes, i said $ the guy and i played tug-a-war over the $20 bill in my hand all i could think was my dad would have laughed in his face and told me "sorry not worth the money kiddo".
from this point on...the weekend is a blurr. we had my sister's rehearsal dinner, oh, yeah she got married this weekend, friday night and the wedding saturday.
after the circus i stopped by the bank to make a deposit, had my truck cleaned and headed home to put the girls down for a nap. with izzy snoozing and annie almost asleep the guys show up for their paychecks. oh, shit, i never finished them the night before or that morning, so i frantically complete payroll while apologizing to them for having to entertain my youngest and shoot the shit with me, the old lady, when they really wanted to enjoy the fact they were off work at 4pm on a friday, the first time in this has happened in months. now i have an hour and a half to put annie down, shower, blow dry my hair, iron the girls clothes (wasn't i supposed to have someone doing the laundry and ironing for me now. note to self check with cleaning crew on why this has not started) and pack up all our stuff to be at dinner by 6:45. ha ha ha.....
moving on to saturday....i decided to take the girls over to dear awesome m-n-l's house so i can go to the nail place on the westside of town that i love, because damn it i deserve a good, no spectacular mani/pedi. but once again, it is not in the cards for me.....i ended up with one of the new gals and she must have been practicing for the mani/pedi part of the olympics (that is an event, right) because this chick tried to have my pedicure done in ten minutes. this is not cool by me, because i truly love having my feet taken care of, i love the feeling of the "nail specialist" using that dentist looking tool and scraping the gunk out from under my toenails, i love the perfect square, yet slightly rounded corner filing of my nails, i love the warm towel with the mint tingly stuff rubbed all over my feet and lower legs, i love the foot and calf massage that comes with all the rest and i love just sitting there with my eyes closed and feeling like i have nothing else i should be doing right then. funny, because my gal, the one competing for the 2012 (wow, that looks so crazy, like something out of a sci-fi movie) olympics, tried to be painting my nails before i was even done reading "stars they are just like us" section in my trash magazine. by this point i realize i have not had the service i needed, no that i would be paying for a shitty pedicure and i called one of the other girls over to handle the situation before i blew up like the volcano i am. but , it is too late, my toe nails are filed down to the skin and in no distinct shape, she doesn't get that i like the pain of having them dig down deep into my cuticles to remove gunk, nor is she worried about the half ass massage, no really more like slight rubbing she gave my feet and legs (kinda like the one your husband gives you when he is watching something on tv, or on ebay but it sounds really good to you). after my small volcanic burst, one of the other gals finishes my pedi and completes my manicure, but all you gals out there know it was ruined for me. oh, and get this when she brings me back my cc and i fill in the tip (i have to tip no matter what maybe not as much but something) the bitchy gal actually scratches it out and tells me she doesn't what my tip! all i can say is fuck you, you ruined my special baby-free pamper myself for 45 minutes morning!
so, anyhow, i am not bitter, i am over it......we had a wonderful time at my little sister's wedding and we wish them the best of happiness and a partnership to last their lifetime. with us and the girls getting in around 11 pm last night you can bet today is a quiet one with lots of napping. so i am off to watch part of whatever olympic event is on right now, maybe open up a miller lite because, well, i deserve one and count down the minutes until izzy, annie or jeff wake up.

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