so, i have three blogs started as drafts....something came up, or rather someone needed me and i had to move on. i may post them together as a short story :)
in the last week both izzy and annie have had some kind of virus resulting in coughing after being in bed, leading to vomit (usually in the form of curdled milk), then a screaming toddler, sheets to change, bathing of some sort and finally fingers crossed back to sleep for a bit. in one night i got up 9 times to find water cups, binkies and pass out kisses, plus feed mari around 4am. needless to say, i am still worn out from these few nights of sleep loss. a little cat nap in the afternoon, not likely, it seems the past few weeks i have been going nonstop and my dvr'ed shows are backing up.
i had a routine doctor's appointment last week to make sure my 5 year commitment to no more babies was all good...i mentioned to my doc that i am working out, starving myself and not getting anywhere with the weight loss. he suggested we test for hyper-thyroidism. WELL, i received a call from the nurse yesterday and it seems i am actually have HYPO-thyroidism. WTF....

so not the best "photo" of annie, but this is how she returned two saturdays ago from hanging out at the shop with daddy. it was raining so she had on her froggy boots, no pants and apparently found a marker. i am so afraid my child will be covered in tattoos one day because she loves to write all over her body!!
izzy being the greatest big sister ever....mari now looks at her and starts laughing. at four months old she knows when her sisters are in school and not around. today mari and i were away from the girls for 9 hours and once her sisters woke from their naps she was ecstatic.
in the last week both izzy and annie have had some kind of virus resulting in coughing after being in bed, leading to vomit (usually in the form of curdled milk), then a screaming toddler, sheets to change, bathing of some sort and finally fingers crossed back to sleep for a bit. in one night i got up 9 times to find water cups, binkies and pass out kisses, plus feed mari around 4am. needless to say, i am still worn out from these few nights of sleep loss. a little cat nap in the afternoon, not likely, it seems the past few weeks i have been going nonstop and my dvr'ed shows are backing up.
i had a routine doctor's appointment last week to make sure my 5 year commitment to no more babies was all good...i mentioned to my doc that i am working out, starving myself and not getting anywhere with the weight loss. he suggested we test for hyper-thyroidism. WELL, i received a call from the nurse yesterday and it seems i am actually have HYPO-thyroidism. WTF....
today i ran just over 3 miles with mari after dropping her older sisters off at school. i was kinda impressed with myself. i guess my time on the elliptical really does do something! i am training for the white rock 1/2 marathon in december. i seriously doubt that i will be able to run the entire 13.1 miles by then but i will be happy to crawl across the finish line if i must.
so not the best "photo" of annie, but this is how she returned two saturdays ago from hanging out at the shop with daddy. it was raining so she had on her froggy boots, no pants and apparently found a marker. i am so afraid my child will be covered in tattoos one day because she loves to write all over her body!!
mari loves the hotsling....i never used one with the older girls but hey, this mommy needs both my hands 24/7 and if you want to donate yours, i will take them. since she spends so much time in the sling while we are out and about she fusses to be put in her cocoon while at home. this is mari and i while cooking dinner....notice the thumb, yes, she is a thumb sucker. she pulls the binkie out to put the thumb in.
after baths last night "sister cat" was so tired she put herself to bed while sitting in the chair. after wrestling annie around on the floor to brush her teeth i turned around and found my sweet baby out for the night. again notice the thumb in her mouth.....maybe i do want one more baby............
So sweet :) Elly has to have her first two fingers in her mouth constantly. When I feed her, she will take them out for a bite and immediately stick them back in...she does this for EVERY bite!
She is so precious! Makes me want another too...
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