Thursday, June 26, 2008

was that a compliment?

so, we made it to storytime on Wednesday....10 minutes late but we made it! izzy loved it.....WE will make it AGAIN! actually, izzy picked up a video so we have to return some time in the next 7 days.....

today we spent 3 very quick but extremely exhausting hours at the community water park down the road. must admit worrying and watching two children under 36" tall is a bit tough especially with so many other ill mannered children attempting at their best to casually, oops did i just knock your baby under the water by attempting to jump over her head, ruin our day. being said i must vent about unruly children.

my friend with me today knows i am quick to let another mother know how rude and disrespectful her prized child is to smaller children playing in the same area, so i was surprised to see her giving a kid almost 2 inches taller than her the don't you ever do that again speech. go girl! my rant.....clearly when you are at places like said water park, chick fil a, central market, etc...if there are smaller children playing the bigger kids should watch out for the smaller set of fingers and toes (and mothers of smaller tots should respect the designed labeled bigger kid equipment), however, i am amazed at the number of moms who turn their backs to the play area to visit with other moms that also have their heads turned away from watching their children. here is my public out for me and my small tots because when your runny sneezing dripping nose four year old sits on top of my 11 month old in the clearly marked toddler area, or elementary age smart mouth i don't have to listen to you child thinks it is funny to bounce my just exploring the bouncy bridge toddler off (and i mean bounced her right under the rails and on to the ground), or who says i have to wait for you to get to the bottom of the slide 50lb wet dog looking kid kicks my child in the back shooting her into the deeper water at the end of obvious under 42"water slide, you as the mother of this child better be prepared because i will hunt you down (and i have increasing experience in this area) and embarrass you in front of your non watching,no manner teaching, gossiping, and just plain irresponsible playgroup moms to the point everyone else in say a 20x20 foot area will know your child sucks!

i think jeff paid me a compliment the other husband does not throw compliments around easily and i am one of those people who needs to hear "good job" every now and then. i often feel like fandango who sits very patiently, shakes both paws, rolls over and does the silent bark for a quarter sized dog biscuit just to hear something uttered i can take as a compliment. i recently had the hall bathroom painted and because it took several coats for a smooth color finish he had to see it before it was finished and let me tell you jeff did not hold back on how much he hated it. as always, i say, just let me finish it......hang the photographs, towels, window covering, etc. then give me the tongue thrashing. last saturday we came home from burgers and bock (great place to take noisy children for a little down time) and i find him standing in the hall bath looking around and low and behold if i did not dream this, he actually states "it looks good", i quickly walk away thinking don't let him counter this with a big ol' BUT.......

after a few days to think about this small but very meaningful exchange, i believe jeff paid me a compliment..........i may not have to roll over, beg and shake for another 6 months, thank you!

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