Wednesday, July 30, 2008
i was rooting for liza from dallas....
anyhoo, i was rooting for you liza and maybe this will open another door for you or once fnw realizes there huge mistake they will come here to texas and beg for you to take them back.
okay, so i am watching the today show while izzy goes to sleep....she went to bed really really late last night. i now know better than to let her nap until 6;30 last night. and they showed this reunion in the seventies of two men and their pet lion that was released into the wild of africa. it brought chills to my entire body and a few tears as soon as you see the lion recognize his "parents". here is a link to the video on youtube.
i hope this works....have a great day. i am off to workout/return phone calls and shower before both girls wake up!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
introduction of three things...
i want to start something will be called "three things" yeah, i know real original, huh. but, each week i will focus on three things that really irk me or truly excite me.
1st--three things comes from one of my favorite talk shows "pugs and kelly"....they did this as the opener to their show daily and i looked forward to being in my monster suv somewhere trying to hear the rant of the day. the sadness is that pugs and kelly have disappeared from live105.3, i mean just disappeared from the airwaves of the metroplex. radio stations do this alot and it would just benefit them to be upfront and tell us the listeners why the shit hit the i know here in the past 22 months i have not been as much of a devoted listener but that does not mean i did not enjoy the few chances i actually had to listen. if anyone out there can tell me the real story i would love to hear it.
2nd--what is wrong with jennifer aniston! (warning if you are really a john mayer fan you might skip this section) i mean she has been through a lot in the past few years with her ex husband sacking the crazy blood drinking but incredibly gorgous jolie and then for them to start having more children than a pair of gerbels but really john mayer. the guy is not attractive.....not in the least bit especially with his new hollywood skin and bone skeleton shape. while i have to say his latest music is better than his first few poor me my life sucks hits, i just don't see anything about him that is sexy. i do get the whole i want to date a rock star thing (well not me personally) and i am sure it is a real trip to watch him wooo an audience of thousands and he probably strokes her hair while coooing her to sleep (i may throw up now) but what do they talk about outside of his super ego. maybe they just spend most of their time toked up and have crazy sex! she should dial up vince vaughn and see what he is up too.
3rd--what the fuck is wrong with people....i will never and you can start sending me comments on this one...understand how someone can leave their child in a car for hours and not realize they are missing. for one thing would the silence in your home not make you wonder what they are into and secondly, is it not instinct to know where your child is at all times. i have heard some of the excuses like, "i thought he/she was napping" but then again i would think after so long you might go check on him/her when you don't hear any cries. and why are these people given a slap on the wrist for leaving these poor children in the car to die (i can not even think about what actually happens without feeling nauseous). with 22 children this year already dead from being left in hot cars i would think those people down in austin might be able to come up with a punishment worthy to counter the lost life of an innocent child.r
well, now that i pulled a debbie downer on you.....go watch a little flipping out of tori and dean and get lost in the unrealistic life of others.
Monday, July 28, 2008
thanks, husband
a shout out to my s-in-l whom we saw last night via web cam at 23 weeks preggos with yet another longspaugh girl in the oven and her super cute belly. here is a picture of the girls room after our painter friend finished their names.......chris, you know girls cost a lot more money right?
oh, and for those of you wondering this pretty much means both brothers have to keep having babies until at least one of them produces a boy to carry on their name. yippie!
not going to cry over spilled milk....
*just realized i never posted my blog about grocery stores.....will finish it and get it up so maybe this makes more sense.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
how to cure a funk
anyhoo, i am sitting here in my bedroom putting the girls down for a morning nap so we can go take some overly priced studio portraits, you know the ones my husband believes are a true waste of money. he prefers the day to day pictures and i really like to have both, especially during that first year. back to my point, i am watching the second part of the today show, which is hard to watch these days because i really don't like kathy lee gifford.....she just gets on my nerves and is always interrupting hoda....and back to my point again. shirley mclain is on today and trust me i do believe she is a bit of a nut job, but she just said something truly inspiring to me in my current funk.
"you know the saying, seeing is believing, well i believe it is believing is seeing"
and these words just hit me somewhere deep in that place where i finally get it is my attitude towards my daily life that is making it unbearable right now. if i believe in my own ability to change the stress and priorities that consume me each day than i will see the difference in my kiddos, marriage, home and 24 hours a day consuming business. no one else can do this for me......thus i am setting forth with a new attitude today!
*okay, i am off to jump on the elliptical for a quick 30 minutes before we need to leave...tonite is the first "family yoga night" . i figure if i can not get out to the studio anymore i will bring the studio here. hopefully no one will complain over my turning off the a/c in the front of the house to raise the temperature to optimal stretching warmth. i actually purchased several power yoga dvds because i am very picky about my yoga trainers and really like to push myself. i will let y'all know which is my favorite and if one of them just plain sucks. (no, cade, you can not spend the night away.....)
Friday, July 18, 2008
and more shit....
by now i should be used to all types of shit, solid firm had too much banana yesterday shit, extremely soft extra foul smelling dark blue shit from blueberries, 60lb or rather probably 70lb black lab shit, smaller firmer dog shit*, and believe it or not i may or may not have to relieve myself every now and then, but this is too much that one little i missed the cat box turd might find my squirrel looking fuzzy furball of a cat a place in line at the bus stop with a one-way-ticket to the farm in the country where the lonely little old lady lives and needs a pet to keep her company. (did anyone else ever get this line from their mother?)
on the positive side (i am trying to do this more) maybe my super intelligent husband can find a a way to recycle all of the shit into fuel for my SUV that takes two swipes of the credit card to fill up these days.
well, i am off, i just watched one of the girls complete her first batch of the day.
*there is defiantly a difference in dog shit based solely on the type of food they are feed.....and i am positive our neighbors are feeding their dogs processed horse meat mixed with bits of recycled plastic and topped off with three year old grains or whatever it is that comes in the $3 bag of dog food.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
so really putting myself out there....
mommy's little helper
okay, here it has taken all of the above blog for me to talk myself into what follows...
a couple of weeks ago jeff's brother posted the pictures from our trip to the guadalupe and while i really enjoyed all the special moments caught on camera i choked, started to hyperventilate, and then cry when i saw the few photos of myself. now i know i gained a shit load of unnecessary weight while preggos with izzy. if i am going to do this, i might as well go all the way......i gained 80lbs...yes, i know what the fuck was i thinking. i went from being the hot married gal that religiously went to the gym daily, usually in bike shorts having just completed a spin class, relaxing in a sweat session of power yoga and followed up with an easy 5 mile run on my way home to the whale of a pregnant person. so, point is i still have around 40lbs (the amount most normal women choke on when reached during pregnancy) and 4 sizes to go until i am back to my i feel comfortable in my own skin, bring on the confident six-pack toting lean machine i am accustomed too.
with tears running down my face, my dear sweet husband tells me i can find a good deal on an elliptical for the house "but nothing to cheap, it has to be a good one". prior this moment of self pity on my part he would tell me to use the gym, walk the girls in the overpriced stroller i had to have (even though it is 100 degrees outside), hop on my bike or just plain watch what i eat. he being one of those people that has rarely been 5lbs over his weight of 10 years. he forgets he physically works out all day long every day and can shovel what ever is the fastest thing around to eat down his throat....
so i found a not cheap, but dirt cheap elliptical and we set out last weekend for dallas (why is everything i look for on craigslist in the dallas area? do the good people in ftw never feel the need to sell anything i want) to pick it up. in the past 5 days i have burned almost 3000 calories and this thing is awesome. i can hop on in the evening for a little tori and dean or next foodnetwork star trash tv watching party or in the morning jump on while the girls watch mickey mouse and play together and try to read one of the 8 magazines i receive monthly collecting dust on my night stand.
with that i just might throw up feeling i have right now........i am going to post the inspirational video jeff took during my first voyage as a public commitment to a healthier me or rather the omg amy looks fantastic christmas card i want to take this year. oh, and please no comments on my unmade really awesome husband (he is so off my shit list these days)took a nap earlier with izzy and i never re-made the bed.
i will post another video in three months and share my progress along with weekly updates.......good luck to me!
Monday, July 14, 2008
pictures finally...
Well, I must complete something on my to do list from Jeff while the girls are napping. Hopefully, tonight I can share my new toy with y'all.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
new mommy trick...
a big thanks to my brother-in-law for commenting on my blogging. while i am truly enjoying it, i like to hear i can still make other people laugh with my craziness. of course, dear ole husband responds with "i bet chris does like it, he doesn't have to sit on the phone for 45 minutes actually listening to your stories that go on and on wondering how he is going to get you to quit talking". i would rather think he enjoys hearing about our daily adventures (i say adventures because i never know what will happen each day as i roll out of bed....will i answer 20 or 60 calls today, will the girls shit once, twice or three times, will dinner make it to the table or is it a cheese omelet night again, etc.)
i am sitting in the "fake" dark created by pb blackout curtains sipping or rather guzzling my mommy juice waiting for izzy to nod off so i can go watch the season finally of hell's kitchen and follow it up with flipping out. okay if you do not watch this show, i think it is on bravo, please watch just one episode because you will be addicted. this guy is a complete nut job! when jeff and i first watched the show last season we thought there is no way this guy is for has to be scripted, but he was on ellen and now i believe nothing he does is played up for good tv viewing more likely toned down because no one can be this nuerotic.
so, today i failed at winning a slightly used rainbow playset on ebay i have been diligently watching the past 4 days. before i went to bed last night i put post-it notes everywhere, on the coffee maker, fridge door, garage door, tv remote to remind me my item was ending at 11:58 today and i did not forget because i have been kinda, but not really searching that hard for six months to find a playset for the girls. i am one of those people who up and decides i have to find that perfect rug right NOW and sets out in search of it all day long dragging tired, cranky, cookie bribed kiddos in and out of ten storess o you can imagine jeff's not so much jump on board attitude when i decided this week to find the perfect but not some cheap china made crap yard toy, one that will last through all the little longspaughs i want.
anyhoo, i did find a good deal on ebay and in the last two seconds lost it to some bidder who apparently was secretly watching the countdown laughing his/her ass off because i thought i was the only one that found this really awesome deal on 20 miles away. but, hey, i am determined to find one NOW and didn't waste time calling on the ones i found on craigslist. i even told jeff if we can find one this week i will give up our anniversary dinner reservations saturday just to set it up.....i tell you if i set my mind to something.....
well, i am off to bed for a little one on one time with the tv.....sorry jeff maybe tomorrow night.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
lesson of the year never leave precious photos on camera....
the one great thing from last week is my new camera arrived...ok, so it is the replacement to the really awesome camera i bought jeff last father's day. i discovered four days to late i threw that really awesome gift in the trash when we returned from a mini vacation last month. now i am taking full responsibility being i am the one who actually placed the shopping bag with really awesome father's day gift inside the trash can, BUT to my defense when the trucks were unloaded everything went through the front door and into the main living room, so when i found said shopping bag in the garage with empty plastic bottles and west, texas goodie boxes in it i figured it had to be trash......the worst part of it is i came to the realization literally 3 minutes too late. after asking jeff where the camera was because for the second day in a row the girls looked extra cute he replied with an "i don't know, where did you leave it" thinking back the last time i remembered seeing camera with two full months of baby can't get that on camera again pictures including new vacation photos not yet downloaded to computer was when we were packing up the vacation house. OH, SHIT..i quickly called my sister who was at my house and she sadly told me the trash man just picked up the trash. she hopped in the truck and chased him down with me frantically freakin, as jeff would say, in her ear. my sister actually pulls in front of the trash man five houses down the street and begs the trash man to wait because i am doing 90 mph to get home and climb through his truck to find my now lost pictures of super adorable girls. through the language barrier he somehow explains to wendy that the truck automatically turns the trash and it is most likely on the bottom of the pile but, he remembers the bag from our trash can (weird, huh) and will look for it when the truck is dumped...of course, i am trying to get her to find out where and what time because i want to be there myself.
anyhoo, after a not so friendly customer service representative at tarrant waste management tells me i am not allowed to rummage through the dump site to try my hardest to find lost camera full of precious once-in-a-lifetime pics i go to the bathroom and throw up. and again, i won't be winning mother of the year, or any other i can keep it together awards, hell i can't even blow dry my hair daily what am i thinking.
so back to only thing keeping me going last week.....i used some of our credit card points and purchased a new camera to replace the really awesome father's day gift i bought jeff last year. without getting into the technicality of it....we could almost think of it as a free camera....a bonus for all my credit card swiping, ha, maybe i will be up for the thrifty mom award (that one is for you, can pick yourself up off the floor i know it was a far fetch).
so with this replacement camera i will be adding pictures to my blog.
oh, we made it to storytime again last week....15 minutes late but hey it still counts!
see you tomorrow after a glass or two of "mommy juice".